Our Company
Sample Parts
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    quality air motors are designed to meet your customized applications.

PSI Automation is a leading manufacturer of industrial air motors, gearboxes, and engine starters. In addition to our standard line of products we offer CNC machining services. Our facility is fully equipped with CNC lathes, vertical and horizontal mills.
We can run quantities from prototype to production runs. We use  the latest software versions of Virtual Gibbs and Autocad Mechanical Desktop.  All CNC machines in our facility are networked and communicate through a wide area network.  Streaming programs to each machine from a local PC reduces setup time and operating cost.


Our Company | Machines | Sample Parts | Contact Us

For more information or questions, please call Toll Free (800)392-3602 or contact

We accept the following credit cards for payment:
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Contact PSI Automation
        for all your air motor needs vert-line.gif (547 bytes)    2113 Seabrook Circle
  Seabrook, Texas 77586
  Tel: (281)280-8793
  Fax: (281)280-8795